The Small Business Guide to Content Marketing

What it is, why you need it and how you can implement it with success in your business - minus the headache. 

Content marketing for small businesses. 

To tackle it, let’s focus on those two words at the start of that sentence. 

Two words, five syllables, one buzzword. 


Not quite... 

As much as marketing trends do come and go, content marketing is no fleeting concept. It forms a foundational part of your small business strategy, and that means? It’s here to stay. 

We certainly don’t blame you for being reluctant to embrace or look into content marketing. It might seem like a big word and a complex strategy. But can we let you in on a little secret? You’re probably already doing it…

Have you got a website you keep up to date?

A blog you occasionally upload to?

An Instagram account you post on? 

That right there is your current content marketing strategy. 

And today, we’re teaching you how to take what you’ve already got and maximise the power of content marketing in a sustainable, achievable, enjoyable way.

We’ve turned those two words into the ultimate, no-fuss, zero-headache guide to content marketing you can actually implement and use to improve! 

We’ll be covering the crucial what, why, and how so you can start elevating your strategy and being such a pro at content marketing you’ll be ready to teach the world about it! 

But first, it’s time we got better acquainted with the term. 


The definition of content marketing

Creating and sharing digital content to increase brand awareness, provide value, and building trust among a business’s audience. 

Content marketing allows you to drive traffic and sales while disseminating valuable, trust-building content that implicitly sells and connects. With this style of marketing, it’s ‘bye-bye’ sleazy selling and thousand-dollar ad spends and ‘hello’ organic growth keeping you fresh and relevant. 

But what are the pros and cons of content marketing as opposed to say, traditional paid media like Facebook campaigns or even print advertisements?

The advantages and disadvantages of content marketing


  • Is cost-effective (typically free!)

  • Increases organic website traffic & SEO

  • Boosts brand awareness, credibility, and loyalty

  • Improves reach

  • Support other marketing tactics

  • Gives back to your audience


  • Time-consuming

  • Difficult to manage and keep track of

  • Requires expert execution for

  • Ongoing (not just one campaign)

  • Unlikely to have an immediate return

  • Difficult to measure and evaluate

Those dot points right there may look 50/50 but let’s not be mistaken, content marketing is for every business. It’s just the way you go about it that’s different. So what might your current content marketing strategy look like? 

Types of content marketing

Content marketing efforts aren’t just the channels you own like your website, Youtube channel, or email database, but your earned channels like referrals, guest posts, and even press releases! The driving link between them all? A comprehensive, well-planned, thoughtful strategy. But more on that later. 

Types of content marketing can include:

  • Blogs

  • Emails

  • Newsletters

  • Brochures and printed material

  • Press releases and editorials

  • Videos

  • Lives and webinars

  • Podcasts

  • Clubhouse sessions

  • Social media 

  • Ebooks and lead magnets

  • Pinterest graphics

  • Testimonials and reviews

  • Reports, whitepapers, and checklists

  • User-generated content and influencer campaigns

And that right there isn’t even an exhaustive list! 

How many can you check off? It’s time to take stock of what you’re already doing with your content to understand how you can better maximise your marketing efforts. Because you definitely don’t need us to remind you as a business owner, there are never enough hours in a day! So why is content marketing worth focusing your energy on in the first place? 

Consider that question? Answered. 


A place for everything and everything in its place. 

In small business, resources are notoriously limited. Time, money, collateral. You have to prioritise every second, every penny, and every word. Meaning every marketing move needs to play a part in your bigger picture. 

That’s where content marketing comes in - allowing you to get the word out about your business while delivering value and retaining an engaged audience. But don’t just take our word for it, here’s what the numbers have to say…

10 content marketing stats you need to know

  1. Over half of industry leaders say their engagement and leads have increased through consistent, diversified content marketing efforts 

  2. Email marketing is among the most effective forms of content marketing, with the largest reach and a tangible return of 35 times your initial investment. 

  3. Creating content every day has been proven to work for 60% of businesses, but it’s not always necessary to create from scratch

  4. Content marketing can generate three times as many leads as traditional methods, and costs over 60% less

  5. And speaking of leads, conversion rates from content marketing leads are estimated to be six times higher than the traditional alternative

  6. Content marketing is the way forward, with over one-quarter of internet users (200 million) blocking ads and increasing their privacy measures. The new wave of marketing doesn’t require ad spend, just organic value. 

  7. Plus! Many of those users would prefer to receive brand content via organic mediums, as opposed to paid ones like television or print ads. 70% of them in fact. 

  8. And in terms of what that branded content looks like? It’s a little bit of short-form video, blogs or articles, and ebooks. 

  9. Content marketing experts are using a strategic combination of between 8 and 13 content marketing tactics at once (with the help of repurposing and recycling).

  10. And the most important skills to succeed at content marketing? Social media (49%), SEO (44%), and strategic thinking (42%).

Now you know the facts, it’s time to get to work leveraging the power of content marketing in your own business. Here’s how!


“Just go with it”, right? 

While it might be a great phrase to live by, in content marketing, success comes down to informed planning and thoughtful execution. Businesses and marketers with a structured content marketing approach feel less overwhelmed and more successful in their efforts. And when it has a proven direct impact on a company’s bottom line, this can help justify the energy and money invested in content marketing. 

It really is a no-brainer, but… where do you start? Here are four easy steps to point you in the right direction!

1. Strategise 

The crucial ‘why?’. The general benefits of content marketing may be obvious, but what return can it specifically bring to your business? Before you even lift a finger to type, take stock of the following:

  1. What is your long-term business vision and purpose?

  2. What are some short-term goals your business is working towards?

  3. How much time do you have to dedicate to producing content?

Understanding your current situation and goals means you’ll be well placed to draw up a content plan that’s completely and utterly aligned with where you’re headed! 

Now, it’s time to talk about (and create) strategic content. 

2. Ideate

Instead of starting from scratch, consider what you’re already doing well and leverage it! Speaking of your current ‘sitch’, how about we look at what’s already resonating with your audience (and what isn’t)? On what platforms? And when? 

Analyse all the pieces you’re currently producing. And we mean all. From your website and blog, all the way down to your monthly newsletter. Where do the trends lie in terms of channels, topics, length, and performance? Time to steer toward the best performing, and away from the least, then set a plan of attack. That will look something like a comprehensive calendar that includes:

  1. Your chosen platforms

    1. This includes audio, video, written and visual

  2. Your content, or topic, pillars

    1. These are used to categorise what you create while meeting your audience’s needs) This could include 3-4 content topics like:

      1. Educational

      2. Personal/behind-the-scenes

      3. Authority-building

      4. Recent work

  3. Your posting schedule

    1. Observe and trial content performance at different days and times, as when your optimal posting schedule will rely heavily on what works for your unique audience

So. You’ve now got the ultimate content combination planned. Let’s bring it to life!

3. Create

All the ideas but no direction? Ditch the overwhelm when it comes to what you’ll post first, and instead opt for a more measured and sustainable approach! 

It all comes down to a secret repurposing formula that centres on one hero piece of content that guides and supports the rest of your tactics. How about we illuminate the concept with an example? 

Let’s say you’re a builder, and you wrote a 1500 word blog on the five best eco-friendly building materials. You’ve uploaded it to your website and it’s already generating great traffic, but in addition to your blog, you also have your Instagram, Youtube, and a monthly newsletter to address. 

Time to repurpose! Take what you’ve already written, and repurpose it for each of those channels. It could look something like this:

  1. Instagram: x 5 posts, one on each building material

  2. Youtube: x1 video on the top five building materials and where to source them

  3. Monthly newsletter: x1 email sharing a sneak-peek of the first two building materials, and a link to read on for the rest (on your blog). 

All you need to do is adapt the format and layout to suit each channel, and you’re set for the next week’s worth of content. Easy peasy!

You can do the same! Simply start with one piece centred on a key content pillar, then modify it to suit the rest of your channels. 

And don’t forget to maximise your small business budget and make your hard work go further with free tools like Canva for design, Pexels for stock imagery, and Adobe Spark for videos. 

4. Measure 

You’ve worked hard to create and execute a killer content marketing plan. Time to sit back, tea/coffee/mimosa in hand, and admire your hard work. Right? 

Well, not quite. Content marketing is an ever-changing game and to keep seeing a return on your efforts, you’ll need to know what’s working and what’s not! Luckily, keeping your finger on the pulse is something you can do with your fave beverage in hand. 

Using built-in functions on your content platforms such as Google Analytics for your website, and the insights pages on your email marketing is a great place to start. And as for social media, all-in-one tools like Hootsuite can help you manage, monitor, and optimise your social media strategy with scheduling, social listening, and analytics available in one handy view.  

Of course, these tools can get overwhelming as you’re bombarded with numbers and percentages galore! Depending on the platform, generally, you’ll truly want to focus on things like:

  • Pageviews

  • Time on page

  • Click and open rates

  • Reach

  • Shares, likes, saves, comments

Remember, content marketing is a long game to not only see results, but trends emerge. Allow yourself a few months to observe how your current strategy is working, and begin tweaking as needed from there. 

TL;DR? Here’s the lowdown on content marketing for small businesses. 

Two words, five syllables, one ‘buzzword’. 

 Content marketing is more than the social media posts, blogs, and emails you produce for your business. Content marketing is your link to community, sales and growth, and a powerful way to maximise your already limited time and energy. 

While it’s a longer game than the traditional advertising approach, investing in leveling-up your content marketing is guaranteed to build your credibility, increase brand awareness, and foster trust among the people who will one day likely become your customers. And that’s something worth getting behind. 

 What’s your take-away?


Start with the first step, and find your ‘why’. Why are you producing content and how does it align with your audience and your vision? Write this down, embody it, and then take stock of what you can improve about what you’re already doing. 

Even with this handy guide, content marketing can still be, well, super overwhelming. For support up-levelling and implementing a completely tailored, holistic content strategy, contact us to book a free discovery call! 


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